Julie's Hot Stuff ™
EXEMPLAR has developed a hot and spicy food condiment known as: Julie's Hot Stuff ™. Julie's Hot Stuff ™ is a proprietary family recipe, which has been passed-on to the family’s 3rd generation, and which derives its name from its inventor, the late Ms. Guillia (“Julie”) Romagnolo. Julie immigrated to Canada from her native Italy in the early 1920’s. She and her husband, the late Ciro Ciciretto, owned and operated a successful family-run grocery store, known as “Ciro’s”, located at the corner of Eaton and Selkirk Avenues, East York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Over the years, Julie became an accomplished, self-taught cook specializing in Italian cuisine, and Julie's Hot Stuff ™ was born. The recipe consists of a unique blend of specially prepared, all-natural ingredients without added preservatives or artificial flavours/colours. The product is very simple and inexpensive to manufacture, has a long shelf-life (especially if kept refrigerated after its first use), and has an intense, hot and spicy flavour such that a little goes a long way. Feedback over the years, from family and friends provided with free product samples, has been extremely positive. Indeed Julie's Hot Stuff ™ has proven to be a very popular condiment for a variety of foods, including: pasta, sandwiches, eggs, soups, vegetables … almost any type of food that needs a flavour boost. EXEMPLAR is interested in pursuing a joint venture partnership with an established 3rd party food manufacturer/distributor/retailer. The purpose of this joint venture partnership is to successfully implement the commercial, mass-manufacturing and -marketing of the Julie's Hot Stuff ™ product to consumers. Limited free product samples are available upon request.
Key Benefits
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